Literalley (Literally, a Library in an Alley), 2016

  • LiterAlly-installation
  • LiterAlly-workshop

A public realm project to create seating, planters and a digital library within the Alley.

Supported by the GLA’s Mayor’s High Street Fund, the London-based practice Wayward collaborated with Whitechapel Gallery, Providence Row and Freedom Press, along with fifteen other local businesses and community groups along the High Street, to develop this project.

Wayward led workshops with Providence Row clients and volunteers to build concrete planters cast from a library of books. Embedded in the project is a digital library of interviews, stories and exchanges that can only be accessed while occupying the Alley. Whitechapel Gallery hosted two local knowledge exchanges with Wayward on libraries and urban growing to extend the collaboration and activate the space.

Designed by Wayward, in collaboration with Whitechapel Gallery, Freedom, Providence Row & GLA.

Participants included: Aldgate Coffee House, Artsadmin & Toynbee Studios, E1 Cycles, Exmouth Coffee, Fashion Warehouse, Freedom Press, The Idea Store, London Met University: The John Cass Faculty, Oi Hanoi, On Purpose, Print Britannia, Providence Row, Sid’s DIY, Straits Times Kopitiam Coffee Shop, Studio Mag, Whitechapel Gallery.

About Wayward

Wayward is a London-based landscape, art and architecture practice – an award-winning collective of designers, artists and urban growers. Since 2006, Wayward has pioneered new methodologies in the creative use of underutilised land and meanwhile spaces, transforming these sites into large-scale, design-driven spaces that engage local communities and inspire international audiences.