Duchamp & Sons worked with sound artist Sophie Mallett to explore themes of surveillance, privacy, communication and control linking to the Electronic Superhighway exhibition.
Each week, the group explored different aspects of Mallett’s practice through lively discussions and activities such as experimenting with creative ways to record unusual sounds to using the Gallery and visitors as resource for making work.
To mark the end of project, the group recorded an interactive radio show, EYESPY.FM in front of a live audience at the Gallery. Highlights included ‘Oral CCTV’ where they secretly watched and described the movements of visitors in detail, and a series of equally unappealing ‘Would you rather’ questions posed to the public, for example: Would you rather have the government own all your photos or a private company? Would you rather share your entire internet history with your parents or all your phone messages? This was aired twice on Resonance FM.
Listen to EYESPY.FM here: