More in Learn
  • 2018_ Planton Movil Family Day and Walk photo by Rob Harris

    Family Day: Planton Movil, 2018, Photo by Rob Harris

  • Young people hang drawings on string between trees in nature reserve

    Contemporary Art Week 2024, Photo by: Anne Tetzlaff

  • Sculpting Conversations_Family Day_Jane Ross

    Sculpting Conversations, 2023, Photo Credit: Jane Ross

  • 1.Edge Effects, Whitechapel Gallery_photos_School Garden_Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck, 2023

    Edge Effects Schools Project with Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck, 2023-24

  • Whitechapel_Livesketching_illo6_20jun

    Angel Alley Project, Live Drawings by Jasmine Shanice

Committed to a programme that stretches through all levels of learning and critical engagement, the Whitechapel Gallery hosts an expansive environment in which to experience, enjoy and discuss contemporary art and culture, in close dialogue with artists and other creative practitioners.


Group of young people embrace around DJ decks. They are stood in front of colourful framed artwork.


Space for young people aged 15-24 to explore contemporary art, meet other creatives, and experiment with new ideas.

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Children & Families

Children and adults experience art and learn together through a diverse range of artist-led workshops, events, activities and exhibitions.

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Schools & Teachers

A wide range of projects, residencies, discussions and lively activities link to the national curriculum and encourage children to make art.

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Here you can find free resources to play, explore and experiment with art, inspired by the exhibitions at Whitechapel Gallery.

A photo of a naked person lying in a field of green grass

Writer in Residence

Since 2009, Whitechapel Gallery has invited a series of writers and artists to take up the position of Writer in Residence.

The Writer in Residence 2024 is Daniella Valz Gen.

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Connecting with people living and working in east London to explore art and ideas through workshops and artist projects, both within the Gallery and off-site.