Border Struggles (of the Common Birds)

Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson

  • Common birds small snapshot

    Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson, Common Birds (2019, forthcoming). Image courtesy the artists.

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Past Event

This event was on Thursday 16 May, 7pm

Paris-based filmmakers and artists Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson present an evening of readings, screenings and conversation, drawing on material from their new film in progress Common Birds. Together they reflect on how the work of filmmakers Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet has informed their desire to invent cinematic forms and methods that test the boundaries of voice and language, in a rigorous and uncompromising critique of capitalism and power relations.

Organised in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut London to coincide with the UK retrospective of the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet.

About Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni

The practice of Paris-based filmmakers and artists Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni interrogates potential forms and fictions emerging from the ruins of the moving image and includes short and feature films, exhibitions, sound works, film-performances, radio shows, vernacular technologies and books. Their projects often make use of cinema in expanded or exploded form, to reactivate lost or forgotten archives and histories and to create new modes of collective vision and engagement with contemporary thought and politics. Their work has been widely presented at international film festivals, museums and art galleries.