Brian Massumi

Big Ideas

  • Brian Massumi

    Courtesy: SenseLab

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Past Event

This event was on Thursday 22 November 2018, 7pm

The renowned philosopher and cultural theorist presents a lecture titled Immanence (Many Lives).

The seemingly arcane notion of  immanence has direct and appreciable implications for what we call thinking, and for the relation between thought and action, in the everyday as well as the political and economic realms.

This talk charts some of the philosophical and ethical consequences of thinking through immanence, which involves not only a radical rejection of transcendent foundations and values but resistance to normative powers in all of their forms, in affirmation of what Alfred North Whitehead calls the ‘anarchic share’ of emergent experience.

Supported by the Stanley Picker Trust.

About Brian Massumi

Brian Massumi is the author, most recently, of The Principle of Unrest: Activist Philosophy in the Expanded Field (Open Humanities Press, 2017). His earlier publications include What Animals Teach us About Politics (Duke, 2014), Ontopower: War, Powers, and the State of Perception (Duke, 2015), and Politics of Affect (Polity, 2015).