Hidden In Plain Sight

New Feminist Publishing

  • Moss under Lamorna sign

    Marlow Moss standing by Lamorna sign, c1950. Nijhoff I Oosthoek Collection, Zurich.  Photograph: Tate St Ives

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Past Event

This event was on Fri 6 Sep, 1-2:30pm


Join publisher and curator Sarah Shin, co-founder and director of Silver Press, Ignota Books and the feminist literary festival New Suns, in a discussion with Harriet Judd, editor of Eiderdown Press and author Lucy Howarth on making visible historically overlooked female artists and disseminating feminist art histories through publishing.

In association with Eiderdown Books.

This event is part of the London Art Book Fair, for more information and to see rest of the events click here.

About Sarah Shin

Sarah Shin is a publisher and curator. She is a co-founder and director of the Silver Press, Ignota Books and the feminist literary festival New Suns, and works at Verso Books.

About Harriet Judd

Harriet Judd is the founder of Eiderdown Books, a new independent publishing house established in 2018 to re-balance inequality in the art book landscape. With a degree in English from the University of Southampton and an MA in Modern and Contemporary Art Theory from Winchester School of Art, Harriet has worked in UK museums and galleries for over 15 years and is Head of Publishing at Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, West Sussex. Some of the many publicationsshe has produced include Julian Trevelyan: The Artist and his World (2018), John Minton (2017), The Mythic Method: Classicism in British Art 1920 – 1950 ( 2016), Sickert In Dieppe (2015) and Stanley Spencer: Heaven in a Hell of War (2013). She lives with her partner and two children in Sussex. 

About Lucy Howarth

Lucy Howarth completed her PhD thesis on Marlow Moss in 2008, and co-curated the Moss display, which toured from Tate St Ives, to Leeds Art Gallery, the Jerwood Gallery in Hastings and Tate Britain 2013–15. She was consultant curator for the 2017 Moss exhibition at Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich. Lucy Howarth currently runs a contemporary art project space in Margate.