How to Fundraise: Individual Giving

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Past Event

This event was on Fri 3 Nov 2017

This session looks at raising funds from individual supporters at every level, from members to major donors.  What you will learn:

  • The different types of individual donors
  • How to identify and research potential supporters
  • Creating and running membership and patron programmes
  • Techniques to cultivate prospects and engage them in your work
  • How to ask for donations
  • Stewardship of gifts and developing long-term relationships with individuals


Lunch and refreshments will be included in the course fee

About: Katherine Proudlove

Katherine Proudlove has worked in the non-profit sector in communications and fundraising roles at various organisations including Oxfam International, Save the Children, Tate and Modern Art Oxford. She is a fully certified member of the Institute of Fundraising and holds a B.A. in History of Art. Currently, Katherine manages Whitechapel Gallery’s Patron scheme, which includes a sector leading Patron Events Programme. Katherine also manages the Gallery’s Membership schemes.

About: Rummana Naqvi

Rummana Naqvi is Major Donor Manager at the Whitechapel Gallery. She has over ten years experience in the visual arts, having worked previously at the South London Gallery and The Photographers Gallery before joining Whitechapel Gallery in 2010. Rummana was responsible for the Members scheme at The Photographers’ Gallery and worked on their capital campaign before taking over Members and Patrons and exhibition fundraising at the Whitechapel Gallery. In 2012 she launched the Whitechapel Gallery’s young patrons group First Futures and the same year helped develop a major donor programme for the Gallery’s endowment Future Fund.