Jane and Louise Wilson

Gerrard O’Carroll Memorial Lecture

  • Jane and Louise Wilson

    Blind Landing, Lab 4 2012 type print 180cm x 225cm , H-bomb test facility Orford Ness, Suffolk, U.K.,

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Past Event

This event was on Thu 9 Nov, 7pm

Throughout their career and through carefully choreographed film installations, sound works and photography, Jane and Louise Wilson have explored some of Europe’s least accessible architectural sites: a former Stasi Prison in former East Berlin, the British Houses of Parliament and the huge Star City complex in Moscow, a key site of the Russian Space Programme.

For this lecture, the acclaimed artists, who have recently been appointed Professors of Fine Art at Newcastle University, reflect on their practice, considering themes from recent projects including Undead Sun, which builds on their longstanding interest in the technology and architecture of conflict.

Named in honour of Gerrard O’Carroll – architect, writer, curator and Senior Tutor in the School of Architecture and Design at the Royal College of Art, London, the Gerrard O’Carroll Memorial Lecture seeks to explore alternative dialogues between art, architecture and design – from the subversive and spectacular, to the intimate and experimental – and features visionary practitioners elaborating on the thought and process behind their work.

In collaboration with Adrian O’Carroll and Rosy Head, supported by Adrian & Jennifer O’Carroll.

About Jane and Louise Wilson

Jane and Louise Wilson have been working as an artist duo in collaboration for over two decades. They have since 1990 gained a national and international reputation as artists working with photography and the moving image, installation in an expanded form of cinema and lens based media. Recently they completed a new commission for the Imperial War Museum, London which opened in October 2014 – January 2015 and which will tour to MIMA, Middlesbrough and Wolverhampton Art Gallery 2016.

The Wilson sisters have held exhibitions in the UK and internationally in places such as Kazakhstan, the USA, Canada, Japan and all over Europe. They have also exhibited widely in international group shows, including the Carnegie International (1999), Korean Biennial (2000), Istanbul Biennial (2001), Moving Pictures at the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2003), Remind at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria (2003), and Out of Time at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (2006), 2010 Suspending Time, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal 2010-11 Tempo Suspenso , CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Sharjah Biennial (2011), 2012-13 The Toxic Camera The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester,Ruin Lust Tate Britain( 2014), Conflict, Time and Photography Tate Modern.