Melanie Manchot


  • TWELVE (Scrubbing)
  • Twelve (The Bronson Monologue

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Past Event

This event was on Thu 16 Jun, 7pm

Acclaimed artist Melanie Manchot launches her new book Twelve at the Whitechapel Gallery with an evening of screenings, live readings by contributors including award-winning poet Maggie Sawkins, and an artist Q&A.

Alongside a presentation of material from Manchot’s  exploration of the rituals, repetitions and ruptures of lives spent in addiction and recovery, the event features the London premiere of the artist’s latest video works and a selection of other shorts.

Event admission includes a copy of Twelve+ , a supplementary publication made in collaboration with Andrea Mason.

Commissioned by Portraits of Recovery with support from the Wellcome Trust and Arts Council England.


7pm   Introduction

7.10pm       Dance (All Night, Paris), 2011

7.25pm       Out of Bounds (A), 2016

7.30pm       Out of Bounds (D), 2016

7.35pm       Twelve, 2015

8.00pm       Twelve (The Letter), 2015

8.05pm       Live Readings

8.15pm       Q+A

8.45pm       Book Launch and Signing

About Melanie Manchot

Melanie Manchot is a London based visual artist who works with photography, film and video as a performative and participatory practice. Her projects often explore specific sites, public spaces and communities in order to locate notions of individual and collective identities. The mutability of subjectivity as well as the agency of the camera in creating a set of relations form ongoing enquiries within Manchot’s investigation of personhood and its reprentations.

About Andrea Mason

Andrea Mason is a london-based artist and writer who works across fiction, collaboration and events. Her writing focuses on the narrativisation and performativity of the everyday, use of autobiographical material as readymade, and the processing of objects, stuff and waste. She has published short stories in a number of art and literary publications and journals. Her novel, The Cremation Project, is forthcoming.

About Maggie Sawkins

Maggie Sawkins won the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry 2013 with Zones of Avoidance, based on her experiences with her daughter’s addiction. Her two poetry collections are Charcot’s Pet (Flarestack, 2003) and The Zig Zag Woman (Two Ravens Press, 2007). Her third collection, including poems from the Zones of Avoidance production, was published by Cinnamon Press in 2015.