RIVET. 20 at London Art Book Fair

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    RIVET. Courtesy of Ed Luker

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Past Event

This event was on Sat 7 Sep, 4:30-6pm

Reading & Performance

The itinerant reading platform RIVET. makes an appearance at London Art Book Fair, presenting an afternoon readings by six emerging London and UK-based poets, including James Goodwin, Ed Luker, Holly Pester, Momtaza Mehri and Naomi Weber.

In association with RIVET.

This event is part of the London Art Book Fair, for more information and to see rest of the events click here.

About James Goodwin

James Goodwin is a poet and a PhD student at Birkbeck. His poems and writing have appeared in Intercapillary Space, Zarf, Splinter, Datableed, No Prizes, Poetry Wales, and the Berkeley Poetry Review. He recently exhibited a poem, COMPOSITION FOR FRIENDS, at the Austrian Association of Women Artists. His chapbook, aspects caught in the headspace we’re in: composition for friends, is forthcoming with Face Press

About Ed Luker

Ed Luker is a poet and writer based in London. He is the author of four chapbooks, including Peak Return (Shit Valley, 2014), Headlost (RIVET, 2014),  The Sea Together (Materials, 2016), andCompound Out The Fractured World (RIVET, 2017). He runs the semi-regular reading series and poetry platform RIVET. His fifth collection, Heavy Waters, will be released this year on The 87 Press.

About Holly Pester

Holly Pester’s book, go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt tip is a collection of poetry and experimental fan-fictions written in response to the Women’s Art Library archives (Book Works 2015) and her album, Common Rest (Test Centre /now Prototype 2016) is a collection of collaborative lullabies and sound poems. As well as pamphlets with Veer and If P Then Q, she has a forthcoming pamphlet with Distance No Object. She is lecturer in Poetry and Performance at University of Essex.

About Momtaza Mehri

Momtaza Mehri is a poet and essayist. She is the co-winner of the 2018 Brunel International African Poetry Prize. Her work has been widely anthologised and has appeared in Granta, Artforum, Datableed Zine, Sukoon and Real Life Mag. She is the former Young People’s Laureate for London and columnist-in-residence at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s Open Space. Her chapbook sugah lump prayer was published in 2017.

About Naomi Weber

Naomi Weber is the author of four poetry chapbooks: The Marriage of Daughters to the World and Each Other (Veer, 2019), AND ALL OF A SUDDEN WE MISS EVERYONE (Sad/Face Press, 2018), The Swimmers (Winter Olympics, 2016) and Very Lonely Animals (Materials, 2016). Recent work can be read online at Amberflora zine. She is from Jersey and lives in London.