Symposium: Electronic Superhighway

  • Aristarkh Chernyshev artwork titled Loading

    Aristarkh Chernyshev, Loading, 2007, Custom LED Panel, 50 x 6 cm, Courtesy the artist and XL Gallery, Moscow © Aristarkh Chernyshev

Past Event

This event was on Sat 23 Apr, 11.30am–6pm

Linking the past to the present, this daylong event explores major themes arising from the intersection of art and digital culture. Presentations and discussions by academics, artists and theorists examine how emerging technologies have enabled radical creative practices.

The day includes contextual presentations, conversations on surveillance, conservation, and gaming, as well as the opportunity to consider exhibiting artists’ practices in more detail. Speakers include Erika Balsom, Heather Corcoran,Michel van Dartel, Constant Dullaart, Dragan Espenschied, Mathias Fuchs, Olia Lialina, Jonas Lund, David Morris, Julian OliverSadie Plant and Stephan Schwingeler.

In association with the Goethe-Institut

Ticket price includes exhibition entry to Electronic Superhighway (2016-1966).



11.30am  Welcome and introduction
11.40am  Michel van Dartel
On exiting the Electronic Superhighway
12.05pm   Sadie Plant
Cyberfeminism and other diversions from the electronic superhighway
12.30pm  Julian Oliver
Browsing under fog: on routers, spooks and desperate devices

1pm  Break

2pm Erika Balsom
A New Constructivism: Harun Farocki’s ‘Parallel I-IV’
2.30pm Mathias Fuchs and Stephan Schwingeler in conversation
On gaming in artistic practice

3pm  David Morris
100 histories of experimental cybernetics

3.30pm Break

3.45pm  Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina in conversation
Preservation of Network Culture

4.30pm  Internet as site: a panel discussion with Constant Dullaart, Olia Lialina and Jonas Lund, chaired by Heather Corcoran.
