Daisuke Kosugi: A False Weight

Daisuke Kosugi, A False Weight, 2019, HD video with sound, 48 mins. Selected by Tromsø Kunstforening.
22 September – 1 November 2020
A False Weight by Daisuke Kosugi (b. 1984, Tokyo) is an experimental portrait closely based on the filmmaker’s ailing father (Masanori Kosugi) and partly filmed in his apartment in Tokyo. The film’s observation of daily routines is the product of an intensive behind-the-scenes collaboration between Masanori Kosugi and Toru Iwashita, who plays the protagonist. Toru is a Butoh dancer whose movements are inspired by the freedom found in the body’s limitations.The character’s ongoing struggle for dignity and self-reliance unfolds as the language of everyday routines and gestures becomes the most intimate form of drama.
Daisuke Kosugi’s work was selected by Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway.
The Artists Film International 2020 programme responds to the theme of language. Local sounds, rituals and political realities feature, from the rhythms and images of a Bahamian Junkanoo to the contested ancestral lands on the desert border between Mexico and the USA.