More in SomeThing Uplifting

SomeThing Uplifting

2 November - 26 November

Known for his interactive street art, graphic murals and city-wide public sculptures, Hackney-based artist GREYGREY steps into a formal gallery context for the first time to reveal a new body of work in a very different, but evidently recognisable, style.

Celebrating the art of human happiness.
Articulating joy and play within the everyday.

By removing the urban streetscape as both a backdrop and medium, fresh challenges are presented and explored through new materials, form and scale. Whilst reduced in size, the works on display remain bold and striking experiments in colour, exploring traditional painting and sculpture methods to create new modes of expression.

GREYGREY’s work is characterised by bold simplicity, humour and immediacy, drawing inspiration from community and collaboration. His multidisciplinary approach aims to generate positive interactions and wider social engagement through activated artworks.

Opening Reception: Thursday, 2nd November, 6-9 pm

Address: 198 Hackney Road E2 7QL

We are thrilled to announce our first exhibition at SITE.

‘SomeThing Uplifting’ by GREYGREY

Celebrating the art of human happiness.
Articulating joy and play within the everyday.

Known for his local street art, murals and public sculptures, Hackney-based artist GREYGREY steps into a formal gallery context for the first time.

By removing the urban streetscape as both a backdrop and medium, fresh challenges are presented and explored through new materials, form and scale.

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