More in Stuck in this idiots Eden

Stuck in this idiots Eden

7 March - 17 March

Stuck in this idiots Eden, a sculptural painting installation by Jerome.

Jerome’s 5 year itinerant body of work Action Black takes on a new shape responding to FILET’s spatial situation. Action Black accumulates layers of inscriptions from protests, dinners, streets, catwalks, gigs and exhibitions. Paint and words are unstuck and restuck to become part of Jerome’s paintings on canvas. At FILET the works meet in a sculptural form that surrounds the the viewer; stuck, suspended, informed yet emancipated from the expectation of painting’s stylistic forms.

Stuck in this idiots Eden proposes paintings that capture, express, dis-agree and converse with the audience.

Opening Reception: 7th March, 6-9 pm

Filet Space, 103 Murray Grove, London N1 7QP

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