More in Systems We Have

New Art Projects 6D Sheep Lane, London, E8 4QS

Systems We Have

New Art Projects

13 January - 19 February

The exhibition takes its title from Eve Meltzer’s investigation into conceptual art’s relation to structuralist theory. The works included represent a series of interactions between language, identity, process, materials, space, objects the physical and the made.

Systems We have focuses on the concept of honesty; honesty to material, honesty to the process and honesty to time. All of the works included in the show demonstrate a sense of visible process within the artwork itself, grounded in the creation of tangible material relationships within the work. With the idea of collaboration and gathering people into a situation or space in mind, curator Hsi-Nong sees the show as an oeuvre that was activated the date the installation of the works began. When building the works and installing in the physical space, processes within the works began to interconnect further and overlap to create this collaborative space – a social cycle that involved the act of planning, creating, installing and uninstalling.

Mitch Vowles, Amba Sayal-Bennett, Janek Nixon, India Stanbra, Rachel Mortlock, Maria Mahfooz, Benjamin Fitton and Hsi-Nong Huang.

New Art Projects
6D Sheep Lane,
E8 4QS

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