Ink on photodegradable stone paper
30.48 x 22.86 cm
1 of 5
Courtesy the artist
Jug on a Table, Thirty Pieces of Silver (Exposed)
From a series of 21 polymer photogravure etchings on Fabriano Tiepolo Bianco 290 gsm paper
66.3 x 54.3 cm
Ed of 20 AP 2
Courtesy the artist
Touch Outline 2
Oil bar on oil primed paper
155 x 125 cm
Courtesy the artist and Bosse&Baum
No. 774
Paint on powder-coated aluminium
25 x 25 x 5 cm (3 sections)
Courtesy the artist and Kate MacGarry, London and Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai
Pizarra de Frutas I
Oil pastel, chalk, blackboard paint on canvas
130 x 102 cm
Courtesy the artist
Other Aquatic Tales
Image 33 x 50cm (framed 56 x 67cm)
1 of 5
Courtesy the artist
Help us to deliver one Family Day, engaging up to 200 children and their families.
Help deliver one workshop for up to 60 local school children.