Halo/Echo: A Walk Without Walking

  • I took a walk in the woods

    Image: I took a walk in the woods, 2021, Sop 

Past Event

This event was on Saturday 9 March, 10am

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Halo/Echo: A Walk Without Walking

The world and the living are nothing but a halo, an echo of the relation that binds them together.’ Emanuele Coccia (The Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture, 2018)

‘…what changes if the walk is virtual or fictional?’ Tom Jeffreys (Introduction to Walking: Documents of Contemporary Art, 2024)

Prompted by their experience of visiting landscapes in recurring dreams, Sop invites participants on an artist-led ‘walk/shop’ – a ‘cripped’ walk where you don’t have to move.

Using sound, somatic exercises and herbal tools, and prioritising comfort and autonomy, the group will be guided into a liminal state in which to take a walk through a landscape from their own memory or from their own dreams.

Reflecting on your experience, you will be invited to note down features, sensations, emotions and any narrative from your ‘walk’, and share this with your fellow walkers, if desired. In doing so we can collectivise the individual experiences, travelling between our dreamed or remembered landscapes.

This event forms part of the launch of the latest anthology in the Documents of Contemporary Art series, Walking, guest edited by Tom Jeffreys. It is followed by a talk at 2pm in the Zilkha Auditorium. For more information please see here.

About Sop

Sop is a torn and crooked leaf, a root embedded in the dirt, a shoot reaching to the sky: An artist working in crip-time using sound, performance, writing, film and objects, frequently in collaboration with others who have also experienced chronic illness. They centre modes of sociality through storytelling, and have a particular interest in opportunities for ‘healing’ outside of the medical-industrial complex through nature, sound, somatics, dialogue and resource sharing.  

 They are one half of Rita Munus, they sing in Child’s Pose, drum in Woolf and their solo music is called dmf. They are anti-clock, pro-informal-networks-of-care; anti-normality/standardisation; pro-interpersonal-dedication. 

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