Notes on Protesting

  • Peter Liversidge: Notes on Protesting 2014

    Placards, Notes on Protesting  (2014), Peter Liversidge with Marion Richardson School, London (Classes 3H and 3B), Black emulsion, cardboard & wood

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Past Event

This event was on Fri 1 May, 12pm

British artist Peter Liversidge restages his Whitechapel Gallery performance from May Day 2014, with the children from Marion Richardson Primary School. Inspired by ideas around demonstration and protest, for his original performance, Peter Liversidge worked with sixty children creating songs, choreography, banners and placards expressing their views on everything from ‘No More Homework’ and ‘Our shoes are too tight’ to ‘I Don’t Like Cooked Tomatoes’ and ‘Less trucks and cars. More chocolate bars!’

The performance is being restaged at the Gallery to celebrate the project and resulting exhibition in Galleries 5&6.


Watch and Listen

Hear artist Peter Liversidge discuss the project and upcoming performance.

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