Teachers’ Workshop

Eduardo Paolozzi

  • A detail from Eduardo Paolozzi, Wittgenstein in New York

    Eduardo Paolozzi, Wittgenstein in New York (from the series As is When), 1965 (detail) Courtesy Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art: GMA 4366 K © Trustees of the Paolozzi Foundation, licensed by DACS

Past Event

This event was on Thu 2 Mar 2017, 5-7pm
A detail from Eduardo Paolozzi, Wittgenstein in New York

Explore the work of Eduardo Paolozzi – from collage and printmaking to sculpture and architecture in this artist-led workshop for teachers.

Learn new skills and share techniques suitable for learning in the Gallery and classroom.

Free for teachers, booking required. Contact: education@whitechapelgallery.org