Jem Cohen: From Gravity Hill

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    Image: copyright Jem Cohen

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    Image: copyright Jem Cohen

Past Event

This event was on Saturday 11 April, 1.30pm – 6pm

Twelve short films capture the energy of 2011’s Occupy Wall Street protest. With Brooklyn-based artist film-maker Jem Cohen in conversation about his work, and a special preview of his latest feature-length film.

Jem Cohen (b. 1962) is one of cinema’s pre-eminent essay and diary makers. Working with renowned independent musicians such as Patti Smith and Vic Chesnutt, Cohen has made more than seventy works over three decades.

The Whitechapel Gallery presents six screenings in Cohen’s first UK retrospective film season with Barbican and Hackney Picturehouse.

This is the kind of contemplative cinematheque piece that washes pleasurably over you, inviting the viewer to tune in or out, to free-associate or locate the subtle connections and recurring themes as Cohen trains his restless, inquisitive gaze on faces and features that represent a wide spectrum of life.” (David Rooney, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER)

For full season listings for Jem Cohen: Compass and Magnet (31 March – 28 May) click here

Full Programme

1.30 Doors
1.40 Welcome and introduction
1.45 Gravity Hill Newsreels
2.50 Real Birds
3.00 Jem Cohen in conversation
3.30 Tea and coffee break
4.00 Counting (special preview)
5.45 Ends


Jem Cohen, Counting (2015) - film extract

Watch a short extract from American film-maker Jem Cohen’s feature ‘Counting’ (2015)

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