Walid Raad Sweet Talk: Commissions (Beirut) (detail) 1987-present 111.8 x 188 cm  Courtesy Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London; Paula Cooper Gallery, New York; and Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Hamburg and Beirut

Walid Raad

Miraculous Beginnings

14 Oct - 3 Jan 2011

Stephen Sutcliffe, Despair

Stephen Sutcliffe

1 Oct - 27 Jan 2011


Richard Wentworth

Three Guesses

6 Nov - 6 Mar 2011

55 Current disturb. det

Keeping it Real: An Exhibition in Four Acts

Act 3: Current Disturbance

17 Dec - 6 Mar 2011

Image 6

This is Tomorrow

9 Sep - 6 Mar 2011

John Latham- Book Plumping

John Latham


2 Apr - 5 Sep 2010